How to handle Unfiled Tax Returns and Utilize an Accountant: Steps to Take

Addressing unfiled tax returns can be a complex task, but with the assistance of an accountant, you can navigate the process more smoothly and ensure compliance with tax regulations. Here's a guide on how to handle unfiled tax returns and make the most of the expertise offered by an accountant:


  • Assess the Situation

    Begin by assessing the extent of your unfiled tax returns and the reasons behind the lapse. Understanding the scope of the issue will help you communicate effectively with your accountant and prioritize the most critical filings.

  • Gather Relevant Documents

    Collect all the necessary documents for the unfiled tax years. This includes income statements, expense records, and any other documentation required for accurate tax reporting. A thorough document collection will facilitate the filing process.

  • Engage a Qualified Accountant

    Hiring a qualified accountant is a crucial step in handling unfiled tax returns. Look for a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) or a tax professional with experience in dealing with late filings. Their expertise can guide you through the complexities of tax regulations and minimize potential issues.

  • Review and Organize Financial Records

    Work closely with your accountant to review and organize your financial records. Provide a clear overview of your income, expenses, and any outstanding tax liabilities. This collaboration ensures that your accountant has the necessary information to prepare accurate and compliant tax returns.

  • Prioritize and File Unfiled Returns

    Work with your accountant to prioritize the unfiled tax returns. Starting with the most recent years is often advisable, as the IRS tends to focus more on recent non-compliance. Your accountant will help you prepare the necessary documents and submit accurate returns to the relevant tax authorities.

  • Utilize IRS Online Tools

    Leverage online tools provided by the IRS to facilitate the filing process. The IRS website offers access to forms, instructions, and tools such as the "Get Transcript" feature, which allows you to obtain past tax transcripts. Your accountant can guide you in using these resources effectively.

  • Address Outstanding Tax Debt

    If you owe taxes for the unfiled years, work with your accountant to address outstanding tax debt. They can help you explore options such as installment plans or negotiate with tax authorities on your behalf to find a suitable resolution.

  • Understand Penalties and Interest

    Your accountant can explain the potential penalties and interest associated with unfiled tax returns. Understanding these consequences is crucial in developing a strategy to minimize financial impact and address any outstanding amounts.

  • Plan for Future Compliance

    Collaborate with your accountant to establish a system for future compliance. This may involve setting up reminders, implementing efficient record-keeping practices, and seeking ongoing guidance to ensure that you remain current with your tax obligations.

  • Maintain Open Communication

    Maintain open communication with your accountant throughout the process. Regular updates and clear communication will help build a strong working relationship and ensure that both parties are on the same page regarding the progress of handling unfiled tax returns.


Navigating unfiled tax returns with the assistance of an accountant is a prudent strategy to ensure accuracy, compliance, and a smoother resolution. By working closely with a qualified professional, you can address the complexities of tax regulations, minimize potential penalties, and establish a framework for ongoing tax compliance. Remember, proactive collaboration with your accountant is key to resolving unfiled tax returns and building a solid foundation for financial responsibility.


Christopher Cooper